Meet Jennifer

 5 year old female, diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, a speech impediment, and a hearing disorder

Jennifer is a radiant young individual who is always smiling. Jennifer has trouble supporting her back, hearing, and cannot sit or walk on her own. Jennifer's parents hope that she will be able to attend enough physiotherapy appointments for her to make significant improvements that enable her to move on her own. Further goals for Jennifer's improvement include acquiring more control over her movements and learning how to eat, sit, and walk without help. 

Donate now to help Jennifer get the items she needs:

1. Lumbar Brace: to help her master straightening her back

2. Therapeutic Seat/Stroller: to help her sit for extended periods of time and for easy transportation

3. Standing Frame: to help her move from sitting to standing 

4. Walker: to help her walk and exercise

5. Speech Therapy: monetary support to allow her to correct her speech impediment

6. Hearing Aids: monetary support for hearing aids

7. Physical Therapy Mat: to allow her to do exercises while at home

8. Medications: monetary support for her medications